C.L. Cole, PhD
Associate Professor
Kinesiology, Women's Studies, and Sociology
Department of Kinesiology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Louise Freer Hall
906 S. Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 333-6380
Fax: (217) 244-7322
E-mail: c-cole@uiuc.edu
Degree: Ph.D., University of Iowa (1992); Ph.D., University of Southern
California (1987)
Areas of Interest: Feminist/QueerCultural Studies, Body Studies, National
Popular Culture, Interpretive & Ethnographic Methods
Professor Cole's teaching and research investigate the production of
deviant bodies and national identity in post-WWII America. Courses regularly
taught include: Soc/WS 210 Introduction to Queer Studies; Kin/WS 342 Body
Politics; Kin/Soc 249 Contemporary America and Sport. She also teaches
courses on Masculinity & American Identity and Consumer Culture &
the Politics of Health and Fitness.
Cole is a core faculty member of the following interdisciplinary units
at UIUC:
Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory;
Cultural Studies and Interpretive Research;
Science, Technology, Information, and Medicine
Currently, she is the editor of the Journal of Sport & Social Issues
(Sage) and the co-editor of the book series 'Sport, Culture & Social
Relations' (SUNY Press). She also serves on the Editorial Board of Cultural
Studies-Critical Methodologies (Sage) and the Advisory Board of GLQ (Duke
University Press).
Recent Publications
Close Encounters: Sport, Science, and Politcal Culture. In Toby Miller
(Ed.), Blackwell Reader in Cultural Studies. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers, Ltd. [2001]
Nike's America / American Jordan. In D.L. Andrews (Ed.), Michael Jordan,
Inc. Albany: SUNY Press. [2001]
America's New Son: Tiger Woods and America's Multiculturalism. Cultural
Studies Annual,5, JAI Press. [2000]
'One Chromosome Too Many...' In Kay Schaffer and Sidone Smith, (Eds).
The Olympics at the Millenium: Power, Politics and the Games. New
Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. [2000]
Documenting America: Racism, Realism and Hoop Dreams. In Peter Kivisto
& Georgane Rundbland. Multiculturalism in America. Thousand
Oaks: SAGE. [2000]