Michael D. Giardina
Doctoral Candidate
Kinesiology, Cultural Studies & Interpretive Research
Department of Kinesiology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Louise Freer Hall, mc-052
906 S. Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 367-6727
Fax: (217) 244-7322
E-mail: giardina@uiuc.edu
Degree: Ph.D., University of Illinois (in progress); M.S., University
of Illinois (2001).
Areas of Interest: Cultural Studies, Popular Culture, Interpretive
& Ethnographic Methods, Postmodernism, Globalization
My current research focuses on the intersecting planes of trans/national
identity, popular culture, and sport within post/modern America. Working
through the lens of postmodern cultural studies, my research is focused
on the conceptual questions concerning the nature of politics, the operation
of power, and, ultimately, the possibilities for resistance within a media-dominated
society. Concurrently, I seek to advance the interpretive interactionist
project set forth by Norman K. Denzin, merging my research with Creative
Analytic Practice (CAP) ethnography to theorize new ways of writing about
sport, the body, and culture.
Recent Publications
Giardina, M.D. (2002). Things we said tomorrow: Political dissent in
a time of "national crisis." In N.K. Denzin (Ed.), Studies
in Symbolic Interaction: A Research Annual. Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
Giardina, M.D. (2001). Global Hingis: Flexible citizenship and the transnational
celebrity. In D.L. Andrews & S.J. Jackson (Eds.), Sport stars:
The cultural politics of sporting celebrity (pp. 201-217). London:
Giardina, M.D., & Metz, J.L. (in press). Women's sports in postmodern
America: Body politics and the corporo-empowerment of "Everyday Athletes."
In S.J. Jackson & D.L. Andrews (Eds.), Sport, culture, and advertising:
Identities, commodities, and the politics of representation. Westport,
CT: Prager Press.
Giardina, M.D., & Metz, J.L. (in press). The Disneyfication of citizenship:
Corporate (trans)nationalism(s), soccer, and global (W)USA. In M. Silk,
D.L. Andrews, and C.L. Cole (Eds.), Corporate nationalism(s): Sport,
cultural identity, and transnational marketing. Oxford, England: Berg
Giardina, M.D., & Metz, J.L. (2001). Celebrating humanity: Olympic
marketing and the homogenization of multiculturalism. International
Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship: Special Issue (Transnational
Marketing and Sponsorship), 3 (2), 203-223